Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Transitions (7)

June 6, 2011 - 3 yrs since my divorce. I didn't realize it until today that the anniversary was here. It just didn't enter my mind and I was so surprised. I never thought I would survive it and know I don't even think about it. Amazing. That's what love does, it heals the heart and erases the bad memories.

This past weekend was the 2nd anniversary of my mother's funeral. I was in Arkansas where she is buried for our annual family reunion. I hadn't been to the cemetery since the funeral but felt drawn that I needed to go see the spot where she is buried. I know she is not there but I needed to go and lay my yellow rose down on her name and say goodbye once again. It was harder than I thought it would be but MG was with me and that helped. He is very supportive and understands how I feel. We left and went on about our day and had a very good weekend together.

So, this was the weekend for transitions. To accept loss, death and be glad I survived it all. I am very blessed and grateful for my life today.

Another transition I am going through is weight loss. It is time to get rid of some extra pounds so I am getting started. I have rejoined Weight Watchers and will try my hardest to lose the pounds I have gained in the past year. I am very unhappy and need to feel better. I want to avoid the health problems my mother had so I can be around for my grandchildren. I want to feel good and be able to keep moving without too much pain. I'll let you know my progress.

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.  ~Anatole France